"The Cool, Cruel Mr. Freeze" &

"The Joke's on Robin"

Aired September 20, 1968

We continue our look at the 1968 Filmation series with a review of a pair of stories.  First, we look at the premiere of Mr. Freeze on the cartoon as he plans to bring Gotham City to its knees with a frosty gamble that not only threatens the city, but the Wayne fortune as well.  Next, Robin is thinking he's losing his touch but we quickly learn, "The Joke's on Robin" thanks to the Joker.

In addition, John and Dan Greenfield, creator and author of the 13th Dimension website discuss the theme song and Ted Knight's contributions to the show and beyond.

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Direct download: The_Batcave_Podcast_-_Episode_71.mp3
Category:The Adventures of Batman and Robin -- posted at: 10:30am EDT

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