"My Crime is Your Crime" & "A Bird Out of Hand"

Aired September 13, 1969

We take a look at the 1969 Filmation series that shows the influences of the 66 series on its film cells.  In the first episode of the series, we discuss "My Crime is Your Crime" in which the Joker and Penguin team up to confound Batman by switching their M.O. in order to commit their crimes.  Next is "A Bird Out of Hand" as the Penguin goes straight, but it's clearly a ruse.


Joining John to discuss this episode, the voice actors, and memories of watching the Filmation series on New York television is Dan Greenfield, creator and author of the 13th Dimension website.


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Direct download: The_Batcave_Podcast_-_Episode_70.mp3
Category:The Adventures of Batman and Robin -- posted at: 6:09pm EDT

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