A trio of Korean War vets hatch a plan to bust their sergeant out of prison with a stolen tank.  Will the Hornet be able to stop them in time? John and Jim are back with an episode that they are once again decided on.  They both agree the episode has merit, but one of them is overly enthused by the premise.  Also, they discuss the influences of the Batman series on The Green Hornet and the music of Billy May. 

The Green Hornet: A History of Radio, Motion Pictures, Comics and Television by Martin Grams and Terry Salomonson is a reference work we're consulting as we move through the series.  Pick up your copy by clicking on the link and getting it today. 

Take a listen and then let us know what you think of the episode by writing us here or at thebatcavepodcast@gmail.com.

Direct download: The_Hornets_Sting_016.mp3
Category:The Hornet's Sting -- posted at: 5:25pm EDT

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