"The Great Escape/The Great Train Robbery"

Aired February 1/8, 1968

Dedicated to the memory of Eric Cone




It's the final two-part story for Batman 66.  It's also the final appearance of Cliff Robertson as Shame.  And it's a shame, really.  (Pun intended)  This episode has almost all the elements that make it feel like a second season episode rather than a third.  The only thing missing is a proper death trap.  So why did it take so long to come up with something like this?  Was it the fact that it was an established character that had proven popular?  Was it Stanley Ralph Ross' writing?  And what was with Adam West's poor man's Gary Cooper impression?

Joining John to discuss what worked and what didn't work in this story that made us long for the good old days is podcaster, The Hunnic Outcast.

Comment on the episode here or write thebatcavepodcast@gmail.com



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Category:Podcast Episode -- posted at: 5:00am EDT

  • Hi Guys....first off thanks for doing these podcast, I absolutely love Batman 66! However, I think I am a much bigger fan partly because I understand the series much better than you and most of your guests. There are a lot of us that totally understand Dozier's point of view and his take on Batman. I too, like Dozier feel that a character like Batman can not be taken seriously in any shape or form. For me Batman can only be treated like an Austin Powers type comedy adventure. A guy running around with a cape and cowl calling everything bat this and bat that screams comedy.....Dozier is waaaay ahead of his time that most people actually think he's behind. This show including the 3rd season is absolutely brilliant and hilarious!! Sure there are a few duds like any show but you have to watch this show exactly the way you watch Get Smart. For the best part is when there is no sense and you all are looking for sense in a show that purposely makes fun of sense like so many of the best comedies from the 60's and even the Airplane, Naked Gun and Austin Powers movies where senslessness is celebrated and encouraged. There are many like myself that other than Batman 66 have no interest in the Batman character outside of this. It seems all of you Batman lovers in general even those that can enjoy this show still seem to have issues with it. Where as us fans of 60's comedy feel it's PERFECT as is! It's right up there with the classic comedy of Get Smart, The Monkees, Hogan's Heroes, F-Troop, Gilligan's Island, I Dream Of Jeannie etc....brillian, clever & senseless comedy. ....Hope you all understand our point of view now also. Let's have a podcast where we celebrate that and how well the writers pull those characteristics mentioned of the show off, which I believe they do most of the time very very well!

    posted by: Tom Di Risio on 2016-10-23 19:55:44

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