Batman #75
December 19, 1952
"The Gorilla Boss of
Gotham City"
Writer - David Vern Reed
Pencils - Lew Sayre Schwartz
Inker - Stan Kaye

We've got a holiday special for you, Citizens!  The 12 Days of Batmas where John and a special guest sit down and discuss an issue of Batman or Detective Comics and figure out to adapt it to the 1966 television show.

The wonderful Billy Flynn of Geek Radio Daily joins John in the Batcave for the 8th Day of Batmas to discuss an unusual entry for consideration for Batman 66 - "The Gorilla Boss of Gotham City".  They talk about who should play the role, the need to have the character speak, and the possibility of making it a third season Batgirl episode.

​It's all here and we want to hear what you think.  Comment here or write us at

Direct download: Batman_-_Billy_Flynn_-_Gorilla_Boss.mp3
Category:12 Days of Batmas -- posted at: 5:21am EDT