The Adventures of Superman
Batman's Great Mystery

Batman is not acting like himself.  He's showing up at anti-American meetings and encouraging people to support the Germans in World War II.  Robin and Superman team up to find out what is going on.  Sounds like the makings of a great story, but is it?

John and writer Jim Beard are back in the Batcave as we're wrapping up our look at the 1943 serial as and taking a break between the movie serials of the 1940s by looking at one of the multiple appearances of Batman and Robin on the Superman radio show.  The thing is, who is this man they call Batman?  Jim has a lot of issues with this rendition he feels makes the 43 Batman look legit.  It's so bad, we spend as much time talking about Superman as we do Batman.  Plus, we briefly discuss the Batman Mystery Club pilot radio show.

It's all here and we want to hear what you think.  Comment here or write us at

Direct download: Batcave_-_Batmans_Great_Mystery.mp3
Category:1940s Serials -- posted at: 6:00am EDT